The DNA of the Gospel has not changed, but the world has. Exchange Your World exists because the traditional way of reaching the unreached is no longer the norm.


Visit Another World

You will be immersed in a cross-cultural context and discover what it takes to learn a language and culture without text books or classrooms.

Enter the World of International Business

Engage in real international businesses that focus on product to market endeavors that make sense to the local community.

Help Exchange Their World

See various stages of church planting efforts while walking alongside field workers and participating in their daily struggles to make the Gospel tangible to those who have never heard.


“Exchange Your World is a training program that I wish every church participated in. It’s making a huge impact in our church and its members.”

Pastor Jim Burke, Missions Pastor Calvary Chapel Sarasota

“The practical application impacted me the most. It’s always good to see how others are effectively planting churches among the unreached and to participate in what they’re doing.”

Josh, Exchange Your World intern

“I love their approach to church planting and discipleship, becoming relevant in a cross-cultural context in order to plant churches effectively.”

Megan, Exchange intern

Apply today and see if you have what it takes!